ARTguro Philippines

Filipino art teachers seeking to Engage, Empower, and Inspire fellow teachers with the arts and through the arts.
ARTguro is a teacher led initiative committed to building an active community of educators who help and motivate each other through the use of creativity in their classrooms; active and positive discussion about their practice and a genuine love for education. It is a unique platform where teachers help fellow teachers with the aim of bettering the state of education in the Philippines through the Arts.
The initiative plans to take concrete steps towards engaging the art education community, empowering teachers with better training and education opportunities and by inspiring artist teachers to share in the vision and initiate their own positive changes in their classrooms.

ARTguro is comprised of a growing artist teacher volunteer network who share their time and talents towards helping art education in the country grow. If you’d like to be part of this wonderful and supportive community, sign up for our newsletter or join our Facebook Group ARTguro Philippines – Pinoy Arts Teachers Community.
Find out what’s the latest here:
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